Organizations have been investing in partnerships in order to enhance performance. Supplier partnerships, alliances, and outsourcing are increasingly complex and equally frequent inside the daily business of organizations. But have your contract risk management and control framework kept pace with these partnerships and outsourcing evolution? Does your organization keep a record of all valid contracts? Is it possible for you to identify whether your suppliers are fulfilling their contract obligations or are even fit for purpose? When auditors come, how easy is it to track the contracts and present the reports they request? Is the lead-time between negotiation and effective contracting satisfactory? Are those partnerships in accordance with your organization’s corporate governance and compliance programs?

Our aim is to help clients improve their contract management framework in order to manage the risk exposure of organizations and at the same time optimize the benefits that can be derived from those partnerships.

SAEKI ADVOGADOS’ contract management service is based on the following steps:

  1. Learn your organization’s current contract management framework. During this phase we will: (i) identify your contract demand and exposure, (ii) draw a contracting workflow, and (iii) learn the compliance and control status.
  2. Develop and implement improvement changes. Together with our client, we will develop contract policy, create standard contract drafts, and promote training to all staff involved in the contracting process (e.g. procurement, financial, etc.). With regard to contracting lead-time and workflow, we will apply lean office principles to develop a dynamic and secure contracting workflow.
  3. Develop and implement a control framework. After we complete phases 1 and 2, we will develop a control framework system to track and control the entire workflow, contract deadlines, as well as issue reports in accordance with your governance rules.

The outcome of this project is to effectively know and control your organization’s risk exposure, ascertain dynamic contracting process, promote greater focus on strategic contracts, and assure compliance with your corporate governance.
