E-mail: [email protected]

Raul Contreras is the head of the firm’s litigation practice group. He joined the firm in 2001.

Raul has extensive experience in civil litigation and is recognized for his work in complex litigations. His knowledge and experience make him a valuable advisor on bank contracts, consumer law-related matters, credit recovery, and other financial matters.

He also manages large lawsuit portfolios with the aim of securing efficacy in cost reduction and the standardization of procedures for clients.

His experience includes the filing of actions, preparation of defenses and appeals, and representing clients in proceedings before the Departments of Consumer Protection, Ministry of Public Prosecution, Special Civil Courts, and Regular Courts of Law.

Raul is a former Professor of Civil Procedure at the Law School of UniversidadeBandeirantesde São Paulo.


Admissions and associations

  • Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) – São Paulo


  • 1994 - Law Degree – UniversidadePresbiteriana Mackenzie in São Paulo

  • 1997 - Specialization in Civil Procedure– Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (COGEAE/PUC-SP)

  • 2010 - Master’s Degree in Consumer Law – Universidade Metropolitana de Santos